Saturday, February 3, 2007

After This Kid Comes OUT!!!

OK after I have this baby I have been inspired by some old pictures, such as the one above, to get back to close to the above size. No necessarily that small, cuz lets face it I was senior in High School but down to a healthy reasonable weight. I did join Fitness USA and have been swimming here and there since I have been prego, but once this baby is born I'm gonna see if a trainer will help me out and go every other day!! Plus start eating crazy healthy. I have three months before I go back to work and I want to shock everyone silly. I suppose if I start setting that goal for myself now then when the time comes it will be set in my head. So you may hear me mention it over and over again throughout the blog and well I will keep my progress on this once the baby comes.

Speaking of baby coming. WOW!! Eight weeks to go. I can not believe it. The time has gone by so fast. I'm gonna be a mommy. I am so excited. Now that its bigger in my belly, I am feeling it move around a lot more. It really goes wild when I drink a glass of OJ. It must like it.

We really need to get started on the nursery. I have felt like crap lately. Just been sleeping mostly. After work, I sleep. On weekends I sleep. Its getting kinda old. I am ready to birth this kid so I can hopefully regain some of my energy. I know it will be tough at first cuz the kid will not sleep through the night, but if I'm lucky it will be like me and enjoy sleeping...if its like Wes then I'm in serious trouble. He is most def. a night owl.

Not much else going I said just sleeping most of the time. So nothing too exciting to talk about.

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