Saturday, May 19, 2007

Garage Sale

We had a garage sale today. It was pretty fun, besides me having a headache all day. I decided to go to the eye doctor and set up an appointment. I am getting tired of the eyes doing funny things and the headaches. Owen was great all day. He was talking to the customers and me. He got the hiccups a few times. Met a La Leche nurse and we talked about breast feeding and how I can possibly prevent Owen from being so gassy. He is getting better at dealing with it. But when he has to burp he squeals, it is so cute. He is getting really close to holding his head up all by himself. And when he smiles he has the cutest dimple. He loves to stick out his tongue. Right now he is looking up at his dad sticking his tongue out at him..its cute and funny. We have yet to get a picture of him smiling full force. We have a few with him half smiling. They are all pretty cute. I will post a picture of him half smiling up at grandma Murphy. Sasha got stuck in the bedroom all day cuz of the garage sale. Poor little puppy. One day all too soon she will be running around the backyard with Owen and he will exhaust her..and she will think back to these peaceful times. LOL..or is that me. I need to give him some tummy time but he hates it. Its hard to hear him be so fussy about it. Well he is fussing now. So better go....

PS found my friend Brandie after about three years. I am so excited about it.

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