Sunday, May 27, 2007


I ended up not going to Fitness USA yesterday, instead my friend brought over her son Kevin. He is such a cutie. Hung out with her and Kevin for a while then at six went to Tara and Darin's house. We had a cook out. Wes and I brought along our Veggie dogs and burgers. I did not sleep very well last I am exhausted today. Woke up at like four am and watched some Sopranos. I LOVE THAT SHOW...

Anyways. My eyes are still being funny and my back still hurts. I feel like an old lady. Hopefully being back at work will help me keep my mind occupied and not think about it so much. I blame it on this humid rainy weather..

Got a letter from of the midwives saying that they are going to keep the program..I am so happy but sad that Sheri and Bobbi are both leaving. But I am sure they will hire someone pretty cool to come in and take their place.

Here is the email I got from Kristin:
"First I have to say I am awed and humbled at the letters I read that you sent to Kreg and the others. It is so inspiring to hear all of your passion for the midwives and the support is truly felt. At this point Memorial Medical Group is no longer pursuing closing the midwife program. The management spoke to Kreg Gruber and he seems to be supportive of the midwife program. MMG is not asking the hospital or health system to subsidize us at this point. They feel that "at this point" we are fine with numbers.... Amazing how a few hundred emails can change a perspective.... I just learned though that not only is Sheri leaving but also Bobbi. They will both be done by June 5th. Sooo, it's just me trying to hang in there. We are going to actively start recruiting for 1 full time midwife. Hopefully we will be able to find another midwife soon that you can all love and trust. I really want to be sure and find the right fit. I'm still trying to figure out all the details of how to provide the best possible care for everyone. Again I want you guys to know that you are the only thing that kept this program alive! You are all a force to be reckoned with and I am amazed at your passion. I told my husband when this all started that I had to tell you about what was going on. I knew that what I said did not make a difference any longer. I told him I would find out how much all of you really felt like you needed me and if you really cared about midwifery care as much as I do and I can definitively say you care just as much!"

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