Friday, September 7, 2007

Today will be day three of the meds

Well I am having a lot of drainage with this cold and it is making me cough like crazy. The medication is making Owen poo like No constipation for him. Just one more day of this crazy antibiotic and were done..and that is today. She said I should be feeling better by Monday. I am already feeling considerably better. It is amazing how these colds can attack you and just hang on for dear life..or in my case turn into a sinus infection..wonderful!!! I am not sure I mentioned this the other day but she told me to go get Claritin to help keep myself from getting this way and it is safe to take with the baby. I finally realize what has been making my eyes do strange things and it is my allergies. FUN STUFF!!! Love living in Indiana. Owen is still sneezing and coughing too. I think I am going to take him to the doctor. I feel bad for him. I hope he is not feeling like me. I am sure he is not he would probably be screaming if he was..because I feel like I want to scream. I wish I could take a decongestant..but I know I cant. That would help a lot.

Anyway enough about us sickies! Tonight were all going to Antonios for my birthday dinner. I am so excited..I love to eat there. It is so good. Karen, Darcey, Anthony, Tara, Darin, Stacy, Greg and Kevin are all the three of us. Saturday is my actual birthday and I am going to be the BIG 30!! Ha!! I am so excited about it. It had a certain mature ring about it. Now having my baby and working and being married makes me feel mature.

Owen is becoming more and more infatuated with Sasha these days. It is so cute. She makes him smile and sometimes crack up. He is sitting in his jumperoo being really good just watching her right lets see 4:30 am. Yes he gets me up early sometimes. We would normally curl back up and go to bed on Fridays but today I have a chiropractor appointment at 8:30 am and then off to work until 3 pm and then I scheduled a massage last night for 3:30 until 4 then I will be home at 4:30 then get ready to go out to eat. WOW!!! It will be a busy day.

My milk supply is coming back full Which makes me happy. Taking the Tylenol cold dried up my milk supply..did not know this until I went to the Doctor of course. So that is why she gave me stuff safe to take that will not do that. But I had called La Leche League the other day about getting it back and she said to drink a lot of fluid and rest and nurse. So I have been doing all of that minus the time for that when your working and being a full time mommy!!! We do go to bed fairly early though.

Well Owen is ready to go back to bed I think.

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