Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Talking is the key to happiness...

I see why Tony Soprano liked to talk to a shrink, it really is helpful talking to someone who is a blank page..who has no opinion of you or your life. It really does help. Bottom line you figure things out on your own but it is helpful to be able to do that. For example: we talk a lot about what I am going to do when I go back to work and how it will affect me, and we came to the conclusion that if I dont like it then there are many other options out there..job wise. I may have to take a pay cut but change is good. Sounds simple I know..but it is not as simple as it sounds. Its hard to think about taking a step outside the box and finding a new job. Personally I think job changes are one of the hardest things to do in the entire world. Not that I love my job by any means but I know it and I have been there for almost five years and I am comfortable with it. But honestly right now and for the rest of my life I want to do what is best for me and my family. It is not all about me any longer. And just maybe when I go back I will find that is is best for me to stay working there..and train to be a doula/ Bradley teacher. I think it is so cool to hear peoples birthing stories and to actually be a part of that would rock. I think it is so cool that when women have their babies with out pain killers and it would be cool to teach the Bradley class to encourage it. It can be done..I did it..and Heather E. had three out of four with out pain ROCK HEATHER!!! I have to start attending the La Leche meetings and I want to join the HOLISTIC MOTHERS NETWORK too. That way when I do start teaching the Bradley Class I will have tons and tons of resources..not to mention the book that I have from attending the Bradley Class..I want to call my teacher Maureen to get advise about being a doula/Bradley teacher cuz that is what she did. I just love babies..I guess I always have. The feelings just disappeared until Owen was conceived and then they came back full

Owen is doing great. He is getting better and better as the days go by. It is too cute. I love having a child. He is so amazing. I was telling my counselor that I was a bit of a germ a phobe. And that I do not like to use nasty public restrooms. She started laughing and said that might change when Owen gets older. I was like luckily God gave me a boy knowing my phobia and I will take him to the woods and tell him to pee on a tree..she started to crack up. Well gotta give Owen a bath.

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