Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Well it all started a few weeks ago..Wes and Owen were sick, then Silas got sick and now its me. NICE. My tummy hurts and I have a cold sore..NICE. Hopefully this will be the end of it for the rest of the winter, knock on wood. Owen is doing good, he is having a very hard time listening these days. It makes things a bit frustrating, now he is not listening at school too..bummer. Silas is doing wonderful. He is behind on his four month shots because he has been sick and I did not want to get him shots with him being sick. He still has a pretty junky cough but sounding much better. I do have an antibiotic for him and if he is still coughing this coming Sunday I will have to give it to him since he has then had it for two weeks.

Hard to believe that Christmas is just around the

Parent teacher conference already this week..hard to believe...will find out tomorrow at three how Odaug is doing..

Well signing off getting ready to go to work..

Saturday, October 9, 2010

House For Sale

So we went to look at this house that is for sale in Granger. It is super cool. I loved it. Wes was not as impressed. Not really any sort of issue since we can not afford two houses anyways..but gosh I loved it. I really loved looking out the back yard and seeing literally five acres of land..flat land that just went on and on..all I could think about is the HUGE bon fires we could have, setting up a volley ball pit and the enormous play ground equipment we could put back there. The down side of the house is that the basement is a crawl space and when the people remodeled it they did not use the best materials..its defiantly a flip house. But overall the little that needs to be done to it I think it would be worth it. Owen loved it but told me he likes our house better. LOL. I guess the bottom line home really is where the heart is..and obviously since this is all he knows this is where his heart is. Such a sweet kid.

Unbelievable that I am able to blog twice in one day. Both and yes I did say both boys are sleeping right now at the same time and Wes is mowing..WOW.

So I think the bottom line is: try to pay off what we can in debt and work on fixing up our home now so that way hopefully if the economy ever picks up we may just be able to sell our house and get a bigger one..or at least start remodeling this one so we can enjoy it more. Both ideas seem pretty good to me really..

Life is going to quickly

Well Si is already four months old. Hard to believe. My friend Tara has been watching him, she is the one who watched Owen until he was nine months. He is a super happy boy. Which is nice since Owen seems to be pretty grumpy and challenging these days. Love age 3, what does he do you ask. Well just now he walked up to me and wiped his snotty nose on me. Right now he is climbing in the babies toys, even though we told him at least 100 x's this morning not to get in there. He already climbed up on the counter and got into the candy, got in the fridge and ate three pickles..and now he is back in the fridge. Yes and the child has only been awake for an hour. LMAO. He is super sweet child too though. When I picked him up from Montessori yesterday he had to show everyone in his classroom my new pink shirt. He is so proud of his momma. Silas is too, he got a glimpse of me this morning when daddy was holding him and I got a smile that was worth a million dollars. Both my boys are soooo sweet. I just adore being their momma and wonder how I got so lucky. Owen is so funny, he keeps asking me to get another baby in my belly and this time it has to be a girl. LOL. I said that would be nice, but maybe in a few years..
I have been signing up for House Parties again. I just got rejected for a coffee one. So funny since we drink soooo much coffee, that one would have been perfecto. Well I still am in the running for a Gerber party (which would be super cool since I had a Gerber party when Owen was a baby), a Itoy(playstation) party, and a Sabra party. I love Sabra hummus..yum yum.
Kathy at work took a class on how to make yogurt and cheese. How fun would that be. It sounds pretty easy and it would be so nice to be able to make things from scratch. I would love to have some property one day and a GREAT big kitchen to be able to grow my own food, have a few chickens for some eggs and maybe even a goat for some milk and then make my own food. That would rocksauraus. Like that word?
Speaking of were going to look at a house with five acres of land. Yes cool would that be. I think that were super broke right now and would not be able to afford it but you never know right. Maybe it wont sell and we can sell our house and get it..who knows. Our house now is super cozy and I like the neighborhood but the pit fall to it is that its a HUGE money pit. Just seems to keep eating our money up and I fear were not going to ever get anything back from it. Its pretty depressing. I fear I am going to have to go back to work full time as much as they allow me just to get some of the bills paid up! Which makes me very sad. I love spending time with the boys and I feel like they are safest when they are with me. Yes I trust others but they are know.
Silas is trying to sit up these days and plays very well with toys. He also will reach his hands up to me when I go to pick him up. I taught him how to do that. Its so cute to see him. Well hopefully when I get my ipad I can start posting some of Owens art work and blogging more. Right now I have very limited time..