Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My sweet boy

Owen was a dream come true yesterday. I had him all day by myself cuz Wes was at work and we played together and he laughed at everything..he is so cute. I cant believe how much fun he is getting. I hope today goes as well. We are going to a wedding on Saturday and Friday to Wes' moms new house to see it and help them move. We are also going to go look at a car on Friday morning and hopefully get it. We need a small SUV type vehicle for the space. That way the entire family can fit in the car.

Owen played really well yesterday on his tummy time mat. He played on his tummy and back. He actually was smiling up at was too adorable.

I wish my eyes and back would get better. I am sure they will. I just need some serious rest...sure I wont get that anytime!!!

I need to stop spending money for a while and get some of our credit cards paid off. It should not take to long to do it but I want them all paid off by that way we can charge them up again..ha ha..not really I have a Christmas Club savings account and we already got Owen a ton of presents for Christmas..he really doesn't need any more from us..

Can not wait to see what new adventures my little guy brings me today....

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Pictures from Sara's 05/27/2007

First picture is a frog kingdom that all the kids made
Second Picture is of the camp fire
Third picture is Sara, Chris and Ernie
Last picture is Wes

Sara me and Tiffany

We had many a good times in this beat up old truck

Sara and Neiva and Tiffany with Owen

05/27/2007 Sara Smiths parents house..JIM AND JUDY LONGENECKER

Sara called me about 1 pm telling me she was on her way home to Elkhart. She was going to her parents house for a food and company. She said we were invited. So I told her we would be there about six. Wes me and Owen went to the book store...Borders in Mishawaka. I got myself a yummy drink and a great sandwich..and Wes got a drink. Owen just chilled in his car seat..It was funny we saw Scott and Rick there too..How strange is that. To be at the same place, same time as your little brother and his father.

But we came home gave Owen a bath and went to Sara's parents house. It was so much fun. We got to see her family and Tiffany was there too. It was a blast. Owen did really was during his fussy time too. Jenny, Sara's sister, has a little girl who is seven months old and weighs less than Owen at two months. It cracks me up..he is such a big boy. So cute...

Well posting some pictures..had fun

thanks Jim and Judy...

PS they have a dog that looks just like Sasha..that is cool.

Owen sleeping on mommys shoulder

Owen and Maddi, Ashton and Daymon on 05/26/2007

Owen and Tara on 05/26/07--His babysitter

Owen and Kevin on 05/26/2007


I ended up not going to Fitness USA yesterday, instead my friend brought over her son Kevin. He is such a cutie. Hung out with her and Kevin for a while then at six went to Tara and Darin's house. We had a cook out. Wes and I brought along our Veggie dogs and burgers. I did not sleep very well last I am exhausted today. Woke up at like four am and watched some Sopranos. I LOVE THAT SHOW...

Anyways. My eyes are still being funny and my back still hurts. I feel like an old lady. Hopefully being back at work will help me keep my mind occupied and not think about it so much. I blame it on this humid rainy weather..

Got a letter from of the midwives saying that they are going to keep the program..I am so happy but sad that Sheri and Bobbi are both leaving. But I am sure they will hire someone pretty cool to come in and take their place.

Here is the email I got from Kristin:
"First I have to say I am awed and humbled at the letters I read that you sent to Kreg and the others. It is so inspiring to hear all of your passion for the midwives and the support is truly felt. At this point Memorial Medical Group is no longer pursuing closing the midwife program. The management spoke to Kreg Gruber and he seems to be supportive of the midwife program. MMG is not asking the hospital or health system to subsidize us at this point. They feel that "at this point" we are fine with numbers.... Amazing how a few hundred emails can change a perspective.... I just learned though that not only is Sheri leaving but also Bobbi. They will both be done by June 5th. Sooo, it's just me trying to hang in there. We are going to actively start recruiting for 1 full time midwife. Hopefully we will be able to find another midwife soon that you can all love and trust. I really want to be sure and find the right fit. I'm still trying to figure out all the details of how to provide the best possible care for everyone. Again I want you guys to know that you are the only thing that kept this program alive! You are all a force to be reckoned with and I am amazed at your passion. I told my husband when this all started that I had to tell you about what was going on. I knew that what I said did not make a difference any longer. I told him I would find out how much all of you really felt like you needed me and if you really cared about midwifery care as much as I do and I can definitively say you care just as much!"

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Good Boy

Owen has been such a good boy today so far. We are going to go over to Tara and Darins house for a cook out tonight. That should be fun. I am about to feed the kid and then go to fitness usa and do some working out. I cant wait. This weather kinda depresses me a little and my back is starting to hurt. Got so many things I need to mail out to friends/family/ and insurance issues. Its a pain in the butt. I am just enjoying the fact that I am getting laundry done today.

Owen has been sleeping a lot today. He did great last night too. He actually sleeps in his bassinet now. Its wonderful..though I still love to carry him around too. We took him to the grocery store and he slept the entire time. I loaded up on super healthy I want to set an early example for him too.

Will write more later

Friday, May 25, 2007



Whats going on???

Went to the eye doctor and he said that he thinks it is my hormones and allergies causing my eyes to be strange..he is going to dilate my eyes on June 16th at 10:15 am to make sure all is well inside there. I was reading my old journal and I was having these problems with my eyes last year so I don't think it really is anything new. I think it will go away..I am just really tired and it could possibly be yeast related too. So I am going to take action with my diet and exercise and take good vitamins. So there is one hurdle to get over.

I only have two weeks left of leave before I return to work. I am not looking forward to it. I have started to leave Owen with Tara for short get him use to her. He is so sweet. I miss him for two hours I don't know what I am gonna do with eight hours going by. He is sleeping on my lap right now.

Yesterday was horrid. I woke up with a pinched nerve in my neck so I could not move. Wes had to take the day off work to take care of me. Poor guy. I went to the chiropractor and it helped..went again today. It is helping. I am going again on Tuesday and getting a back massage on that Friday. LOVE IT!!! Need to take care of myself so I can be best for O. But then he got his shots yesterday too. It was so sad to see him crying like that. It freaked him out big time. He was up all night being fussy too. POOR GUY!!!

He is smiling and cooing and talking so much. It is so cute. He will have a little conversation with you. When I picked him up from Tara's he was telling me all about it. IT was adorable.

Going to start journaling in a real journal too. It seems to help my if I could just get some sleep and have my eyes get back to normal...

Owen weighs 15 ibs 3 oz and is 23 1/2 he is in the 75 percentile.

Well will write more later...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My little O

Well the last few days have been challenging. Owen has been really fussy with gas and up at night. I think it is because I drank some caffeine. So I am gonna stop doing that and hopefully things will get back to normal.

Last night he was so cute. He fell asleep with his hands up and together and it looked like he was praying. I told Wes maybe he was..asking the Lord to take away his gas.

Going to the eye doctor today to get my eyes looked at. My problem could be my hormones still going wacko..lets hope so.

Well will write more later.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Owens Half smile at Grandma Murphy

Garage Sale

We had a garage sale today. It was pretty fun, besides me having a headache all day. I decided to go to the eye doctor and set up an appointment. I am getting tired of the eyes doing funny things and the headaches. Owen was great all day. He was talking to the customers and me. He got the hiccups a few times. Met a La Leche nurse and we talked about breast feeding and how I can possibly prevent Owen from being so gassy. He is getting better at dealing with it. But when he has to burp he squeals, it is so cute. He is getting really close to holding his head up all by himself. And when he smiles he has the cutest dimple. He loves to stick out his tongue. Right now he is looking up at his dad sticking his tongue out at him..its cute and funny. We have yet to get a picture of him smiling full force. We have a few with him half smiling. They are all pretty cute. I will post a picture of him half smiling up at grandma Murphy. Sasha got stuck in the bedroom all day cuz of the garage sale. Poor little puppy. One day all too soon she will be running around the backyard with Owen and he will exhaust her..and she will think back to these peaceful times. LOL..or is that me. I need to give him some tummy time but he hates it. Its hard to hear him be so fussy about it. Well he is fussing now. So better go....

PS found my friend Brandie after about three years. I am so excited about it.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

2 months

Found out the other day that Sheri the midwife that delivered Owen is leaving the Midwives at Memorial and there is a possibility that they may be closing down the Midwives at Memorial. I am so sad. Kristin sent out a letter asking us to email all the important people at Memorial to let them know how important it is for us as patients to have them there. I made sure to do it right away. I also called Amanda and told her since she is going there and has not had her baby yet. It is so sad. Every time I find some place or one I like they leave, doctor wise that is.

My eyes are doing funny things. I think they are really tired and my allergies. I have not napped lately. I think I will try to today. We will see.

I am going to start selling Body Shop products. At least give it a shot to see if I can and want to do it. It could be a lot of fun and a bit of an extra income. I decided that what ever the profits are that I make I will put in Owen's bank account.

I also want to join Holistic Mothers Network. There are meetings in Mishawaka at the Harmony Market. I may have to wait until Owen is a bit older to go. He needs me a lot right now cuz of the eating thing...being breast fed that is. I am going to try and make it tonight but will see if I can. I may just go swimming and get some exercise in. I really dont want to leave Wes with a screaming kid after he gets off work. It could be super stressful for him. Plus we need to start working on the yard sale things.

Grandma Gullen came over yesterday and played with Owen. She is really good at getting him to sleep. She is the calm granny and Grandma Murphy is the excited granny. Its cute.

Well not much else left to talk about. It saddens me that the midwives may be leaving Memorial. I had such a great experience and wish all women could when giving birth. I hope Sheri has fun where she is moving to but she will be missed.


2 months

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Friday, May 11, 2007

Its been a pretty good week

Touch Down

Little Owen is doing great. He has been pretty good this week. Maybe he is getting over his colic. He did great in music class..he was really in to it and was smiling at me and talking baby talk at me when we got there. He sure seemed to know what he was telling me. I just went along with it..he is so cute. I love his big smiles with his cute little dimple.

I love my baby boy..its gonna be hard as hell to go back to work..but got to make the money to get him the things I want to get him and provide a college education for him...

Before I was mom--found on the internet

Before I was a Mom -
I slept as late as I wanted and never worried about how late I got into bed. I brushed my hair and my teeth everyday.

Before I was a Mom -
I cleaned my house each day. I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom -
I had never been puked on - Pooped on - Spit on - Chewed on, or Peed on. I had complete control of my mind and My thoughts. I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom -
I never held down a screaming child so that doctors could do tests...or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.

Before I was a Mom -
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life
so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom.

Before I was a Mom -
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body. I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby. I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child. I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important.

Before I was a Mom -
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay. I had never known The warmth, The joy, The love, The heartache, The wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom. I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mom.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

7 weeks old

I love my little baby more and more every day

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Six Weeks Old and boy were they right about Colic

They say that Colic reaches its peak at six weeks and boy do I ever believe it. All Owen has been doing the last few days is screaming his lungs out, spitting up, belching and farting..its so sad. I myself feel like I want to scream right along with him. WAHHAHHHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAA!!!

I found a little lump in his left boob, sounds strange, but looked it up on aap and they say that it is normal. I am still going to call the doctor on Monday to see if I should bring him in earlier than his next visit or just wait. It sounds like it is not serious and it will just go away on its own..from what I have been reading. But want to on the safe side..the AAP, states that it is very rare to have breast cancer in an that put my mind at ease a little bit.

So OK so far I have a baby who has colic, his belly button is still oozing goo, and has a lump in his left breast area..boy oh boy enough to make me go insane..not to mention I have a cold sore and am freaking out cuz it is contagious and can get in their I am a mess right now needless to say. Wes has been pretty calm through all of this and keeps telling me not to worry every thing is ok..along with all my wonderful friends and family constantly reminding me that at around three months it does get better and it will feel like bliss...

You may be wondering how I even have time to write..We got him to sleep..after about five hours of giving him a warm bath (which he hated more than anything in the world..) and swaddled him and stuck a pacifier in his mouth..(which were going to stop giving him at three months cuz I read it can cause mouth problems)..blah blah blah..but regardless he is sleeping and I myself am exhausted..

Despite all the crying he did manage to give me the most wonderful smile today..and he has the cutest dimples..that made my heart melt..he is a dream boat (when he is not screaming of course..LOL).

Six weeks to go until three months..and were at the peak of colic now so hopefully were only going to go up hill from here..